Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. கற்றை, கட்டு, சிப்பம், கதிர்க்கட்டு, தாள்கட்டு, (வினை.) கற்றையாகக் கட்டு, சிப்பம் ஆக்கு.

Sheaf, n. (Mech.) Defn: A sheave. [R.] Sheaf, n.; pl. Sheaves. Etym: [OE. sheef, shef, schef, AS. sceáf; akin to D. schoof, OHG. scoub, G. schaub, Icel. skauf a fox's brush, and E. shove. See Shove.] 1. A quantity of the stalks and ears of wheat, rye, or other grain, bound together; a bundle of grain or straw. The reaper fills his greedy hands, And binds the golden sheaves in brittle bands. Dryden. 2. Any collection of things bound together; a bundle; specifically, a bundle of arrows sufficient to fill a quiver, or the allowance of each archer, -- usually twenty-four. The sheaf of arrows shook and rattled in the case. Dryden. Sheaf, v. t. Defn: To gather and bind into a sheaf; to make into sheaves; as, to sheaf wheat. Sheaf, v. i. Defn: To collect and bind cut grain, or the like; to make sheaves. They that reap must sheaf and bind. Shak.

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