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n. பெண்பாலர்.என்பதன் உடைமைப்பொருள் வேற்றுமை வடிவம்.

She, pron. [sing. nom. She; poss. Her. ( or Hers (; obj. Her; pl. nom. They; poss. Their or Theirs (; obj. Them.] Etym: [OE. she, sche, scheo, scho, AS. seó, fem. of the definite article, originally a demonstrative pronoun; cf. OS. siu, D. zij, G. sie, OHG. siu, si, si, Icel. su, sja, Goth. si she, so, fem. article, Russ. siia, fem., this, Gr. sa, sya. The possessive her or hers, and the objective her, are from a different root. See Her.] 1. This or that female; the woman understood or referred to; the animal of the female sex, or object personified as feminine, which was spoken of. She loved her children best in every wise. Chaucer. Then Sarah denied, . . . for she was afraid. Gen. xviii. 15. 2. A woman; a female; -- used substantively. [R.] Lady, you are the cruelest she alive. Shak. Note: She is used in composition with nouns of common gender, for female, to denote an animal of the female sex; as, a she-bear; a she- cat. She, pron. [sing. nom. She; poss. Her. ( or Hers (; obj. Her; pl. nom. They; poss. Their or Theirs (; obj. Them.] Etym: [OE. she, sche, scheo, scho, AS. seó, fem. of the definite article, originally a demonstrative pronoun; cf. OS. siu, D. zij, G. sie, OHG. siu, si, si, Icel. su, sja, Goth. si she, so, fem. article, Russ. siia, fem., this, Gr. sa, sya. The possessive her or hers, and the objective her, are from a different root. See Her.] 1. This or that female; the woman understood or referred to; the animal of the female sex, or object personified as feminine, which was spoken of. She loved her children best in every wise. Chaucer. Then Sarah denied, . . . for she was afraid. Gen. xviii. 15. 2. A woman; a female; -- used substantively. [R.] Lady, you are the cruelest she alive. Shak. Note: She is used in composition with nouns of common gender, for female, to denote an animal of the female sex; as, a she-bear; a she- cat.

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