Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. அடிபிடி சண்டை, கைகலப்பு, கலவர அமளி, மண்கிளறி, மண்வெட்டிவகை, மண் கிளறுபொறி, (வினை.) அடிதடிசண்டையில் ஈடுபடு.

Scuf"fle, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Scuffled; p. pr. & vb. n. Scuffling.] Etym: [Freq. of scuff, v.i.; cf. Sw. skuffa to push, shove, skuff a push, Dan. skuffe a drawer, a shovel, and E. shuffle, shove. See Shove, and cf. Shuffle.] 1. To strive or struggle with a close grapple; to wrestle in a rough fashion. 2. Hence, to strive or contend tumultuously; to struggle confusedly or at haphazard. A gallant man had rather fight to great disadvantage in the field, in an orderly way, than scuffle with an undisciplined rabble. Eikon Basilike. Scuf"fle, n. 1. A rough, haphazard struggle, or trial of strength; a disorderly wrestling at close quarters. 2. Hence, a confused contest; a tumultuous struggle for superiority; a fight. The dog leaps upon the serpent, and tears it to pieces; but in the scuffle the cradle happened to be overturned. L'Estrange. 3. A child's pinafore or bib. [Prov. Eng.] 4. A garden hoe. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.

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