Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. நச்சரிப்பவள், விடாக்குறை கூறுபவள், திட்டுதல், (வினை.) திட்டு, குற்றஞ் சாட்டு, சண்டைக்கிழு.



Scold, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Scolded; p. pr. & vb. n. Scolding.] Etym: [Akin to D. schelden, G. schelten, OHG. sceltan, Dan. skielde.] Defn: To find fault or rail with rude clamor; to brawl; to utter harsh, rude, boisterous rebuke; to chide sharply or coarsely; -- often with at; as, to scold at a servant. Pardon me, lords, 't is the first time ever I was forced to scold. Shak. Scold, v. t. Defn: To chide with rudeness and clamor; to rate; also, to rebuke or reprove with severity. Scold, n. 1. One who scolds, or makes a practice of scolding; esp., a rude, clamorous woman; a shrew. She is an irksome, brawling scold. Shak. 2. A scolding; a brawl.

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