Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. கடிந்துரை, கண்டி.



Re*prove" (r-prv"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reproved (-prvd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Reproving.] Etym: [F. réprouver, OF. reprover, fr. L. reprobare. See Reprieve, Reprobate, and cf. Reproof.] 1. To convince. [Obs.] When he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. John xvi. 9. 2. To disprove; to refute. [Obs.] Reprove my allegation, if you can. Shak. 3. To chide to the face as blameworthy; to accuse as guilty; to censure. What if thy son Prove disobedient, and, reproved, retort, "Wherefore didst thou beget me" Milton. 4. To express disapprobation of; as, to reprove faults. He neither reproved the ordinance of John, neither plainly condemned the fastings of the other men. Udall. Syn. -- To reprehend; chide; rebuke; scold; blame censure. -- Reprove, Rebuke, Reprimand. These words all signufy the expression of disapprobation. To reprove implies greater calmness and self-possession. To rebuke implies a more excited and personal feeling. A reproof may be administered long after the offience is committed, and is usually intended for the reformation of the offender; a rebuke is commonly given at the moment of the wrong, and is administered by way of punishment and condemnation. A reprimand proceeds from a person invested with authority, and is a formal and offiscial act. A child is reproved for his faults, and rebuked for his impudence. A military officer is reprimanded for neglect or violation of duty.

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