Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. முகப்புகழ்ச்சிசெய், இசசகம் பேசு, பொய்யாகப் புகழ்ந்துபசப்பு, கெஞ்சி ஆதரவைப்பெறு, மட்டுமீறி முகமனுரை, அளவுமீறிப் புகழ், பெருமைப்படுத்திப் பேசு, வீணான நம்பிக்கையைத் தோற்றுவி, தற்பெருமை உணர்ச்சிக்கு நிறைவளி, மனநிறைவுசெய், மகிழச்செய், கலைப்பண்பை மிகைபடப்பாராட்டு, கலைஞரை அளவுகடந்து பாராட்டிப்பேசு, மிகைபடப் பாராட்டுக்கூறு.

Flat"ter, n. 1. One who, or that which, makes flat or flattens. 2. (Metal Working) (a) A flat-faced fulling hammer. (b) A drawplate with a narrow, rectangular orifice, for drawing flat strips, as watch springs, etc. Flat"ter, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Flattered; p. pr. & vb. n. Flattering.] Etym: [OE. flateren, cf. OD. flatteren; akin to G. flattern to flutter, Icel. fla to fawn, flatter: cf. F. flatter. Cf. Flitter, Flutter, Flattery.] 1. To treat with praise or blandishments; to gratify or attempt to gratify the self-love or vanity of, esp. by artful and interested commendation or attentions; to blandish; to cajole; to wheedle. When I tell him he hates flatterers, He says he does, being then most flattered. Shak. A man that flattereth his neighbor, spreadeth a net for his feet. Prov. xxix. 5. Others he flattered by asking their advice. Prescott. 2. To raise hopes in; to encourage or favorable, but sometimes unfounded or deceitful, representations. 3. To portray too favorably; to give a too favorable idea of; as, his portrait flatters him. Flat"ter, v. i. Defn: To use flattery or insincere praise. If it may stand him more in stead to lie, Say and unsay, feign, flatter, or adjure. Milton.

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