Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. அவதூறு, பழிச்சொல், ஊரலர், புறஞ்சொல், பொது ஒழுங்குணர்வு குலைவு, நடைமுறை மரவு நயக்கேடு, பழிப்பு, இழிப்பு பழிப்புக்குரிய செய்தி, இழிவுக்குரியது.



Scan"dal, n. Etym: [F. scandale, fr. L. scandalum, Gr. scandle, OF. escandle. See Slander.] 1. Offense caused or experienced; reproach or reprobation called forth by what is regarded as wrong, criminal, heinous, or flagrant: opprobrium or disgrace. O, what a scandal is it to our crown, That two such noble peers as ye should jar! Shak. [I] have brought scandal To Israel, diffidence of God, and doubt In feeble hearts. Milton. 2. Reproachful aspersion; opprobrious censure; defamatory talk, uttered heedlessly or maliciously. You must not put another scandal on him. Shak. My known virtue is from scandal free. Dryden. 3. (Equity) Defn: Anything alleged in pleading which is impertinent, and is reproachful to any person, or which derogates from the dignity of the court, or is contrary to good manners. Daniell. Syn. -- Defamation; detraction; slander; calumny; opprobrium; reproach; shame; disgrace. Scan"dal, v. t. 1. To treat opprobriously; to defame; to asperse; to traduce; to slander. [R.] I do faws on men and hug them hard And after scandal them. Shak. 2. To scandalize; to offend. [Obs.] Bp. Story. Syn. -- To defame; traduce; reproach; slander; calumniate; asperse; vilify; disgarce.

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