Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. மீதி, மிச்சம், எஞ்சியுள்ளது, மிச்சமாக விடப்பட்டது, வரி-கடன்-கொடை முதலியன போகச் சொத்தின் மிச்சம்.



Res"i*due (rz"-d), n. Etym: [F. résidu, L. residuum, fr. residuus that is left behind, remaining, fr. residere to remain behind. See Reside, and cf. Residuum.] 1. That which remains after a part is taken, separated, removed, or designated; remnant; remainder. The residue of them will I deliver to the sword. Jer. xv. 9. If church power had then prevailed over its victims, not a residue of English liberty would have been saved. I. Taylor. 2. (Law) Defn: That part of a testeator's estate wwhich is not disposed of in his will by particular and special legacies and devises, and which remains after payment of debts and legacies. 3. (Chem.) Defn: That which remains of a molecule after the removal of a portion of its constituents; hence, an atom or group regarded as a portion of a molecule; -- used as nearly equivalent to radical, but in a more general sense. Note: The term radical is sometimes restricted to groups containing carbon, the term residue being applied to the others. 4. (Theory of Numbers) Defn: Any positive or negative number that differs from a given number by a multiple of a given modulus; thus, if 7 is the modulus, and 9 the given number, the numbers -5, 2, 16, 23, etc., are residues. Syn. -- Rest; remainder; remnant; balance; residuum; remains; leavings; relics.

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