Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. கூறு, விரித்துரை, தொடர்புபடுத்து, தொடர்புநிறுவு, தொடர்புகொண்டதாயிரு, பற்றியழ்யிரு.



Re*late" (r-lt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Related; p. pr. & vb. n. Relating.] Etym: [F. relater to recount, LL. relatare, fr. L. relatus, used as p. p. of referre. See Elate, and cf. Refer.] 1. To bring back; to restore. [Obs.] Abate your zealous haste, till morrow next again Both light of heaven and strength of men relate. Spenser. 2. To refer; to ascribe, as to a source. [Obs. or R.] 3. To recount; to narrate; to tell over. This heavy act with heavy heart relate. Shak. 4. To ally by connection or kindred. To relate one's self, to vent thoughts in words. [R.] Syn. -- To tell; recite; narrate; recount; rehearse; report; detail; describe. Re*late", v. i. 1. To stand in some relation; to have bearing or concern; to pertain; to refer; -- with to. All negative or privative words relate positive ideas. Locke. 2. To make reference; to take account. [R.& Obs.] Reckoning by the years of their own consecration without relating to any imperial account. Fuller.

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