Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. மேம்படு சமயகுரு, உயர் திருச்சபைப் பதவியாளர், (வர.) திருமடத்தலைவர்.

Prel"ate (; 48), n. Etym: [F. prélat, LL. praelatus, fr. L. praelatus, used as p. p. of praeferre to prefer, but from a different root. See Elate.] Defn: A clergyman of a superior order, as an archbishop or a bishop, having authority over the lower clergy; a dignitary of the church. Note: This word and the words derived from it are often used invidiously, in English ecclesiastical history, by dissenters, respecting the Established Church system. Hear him but reason in divinity, . . . You would desire the king were made a prelate. Shak. Prel"ate, v. i. Defn: To act as a prelate. [Obs.] Right prelating is busy laboring, and not lording. Latimer.

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