Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஔதமையம், வெப்பக்கதிர்மையம், (வான்) ஔதப்பிழம்புமையம், (வான்) எரிமீன் சொரிவுத் தோற்ற மையம், (பெயரடை) ஔதகாலுகிற, ஔதக்கதிர் உமிழ்கிற, களிப்பு-நம்பிக்கை-காதல் முதலியவற்றால் ஔதவீசுகிற, ஔதவகையில், கதிர்களாகப் புறம்போகிற, வனப்பு வகையில் பகட்டான, கண் கூசவைக்கிற, மையத்தினின்றும் நாற்றிசையும் நீண்டு செல்கிற,பரவுகிற.



Ra"di*ant, a. Etym: [L. radians, -antis, p. pr. of radiare to emit rays or beams, fr. radius ray: cf. F. radiant. See Radius, Ray a divergent line.] 1. Emitting or proceeding as from a center; [U.S.] rays; radiating; radiate. 2. Especially, emitting or darting rays of light or heat; issuing in beams or rays; beaming with brightness; emitting a vivid light or splendor; as, the radiant sun. Mark what radiant state she spreads. Milton. 3. Beaming with vivacity and happiness; as, a radiant face. 4. (Her.) Defn: Giving off rays; -- said of a bearing; as, the sun radiant; a crown radiant. 5. (Bot.) Defn: Having a raylike appearance, as the large marginal flowers of certain umbelliferous plants; -- said also of the cluster which has such marginal flowers. Radiant energy (Physics), energy given out or transmitted by radiation, as in the case of light and radiant heat. -- Radiant heat, proceeding in right lines, or directly from the heated body, after the manner of light, in distinction from heat conducted or carried by intervening media. -- Radiant point. (Astron.) See Radiant, n., 3. Ra"di*ant, n. 1. (Opt.) Defn: The luminous point or object from which light emanates; also, a body radiating light brightly. 2. (Geom.) Defn: A straight line proceeding from a given point, or fixed pole, about which it is conceived to revolve. 3. (Astron.) Defn: The point in the heavens at which the apparent paths of shooting stars meet, when traced backward, or whence they appear to radiate.

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