Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. மட்டுமீறிய, வழக்கமீறிய, வன்செயலான, மூர்க்கமான, கொடுமையான, ஒழுக்கக்கேடான, அருவருப்பான.



Out*ra"geous, a. Etym: [OF. outrageus, F. outrageux. See Outrage, n.] Defn: Of the nature of an outrage; exceeding the limits of right, reason, or decency; involving or doing an outrage; furious; violent; atrocious. "Outrageous weeping." Chaucer. "The most outrageous villainies." Sir P. Sidney. "The vile, outrageous crimes." Shak. "Outrageous panegyric." Dryden. Syn. -- Violent; furious; exorbitant; excessive; atrocious; monstrous; wanton; nefarious; heinous. -- Out*ra"geous*ly, adv. -- Out*ra"geous*ness, n.

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