Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. இகழ்முனைப்பாகத் தெரிகிற, படுமோசமான.



Fla"grant, a. Etym: [L. flagrans, -antis, p.pr. of flagrate to burn, akin to Gr. flagrant. Cf. Flame, Phlox.] 1. Flaming; inflamed; glowing; burning; ardent. The beadle's lash still flagrant on their back. Prior. A young man yet flagrant from the lash of the executioner or the beadle. De Quincey. Flagrant desires and affections. Hooker. 2. Actually in preparation, execution, or performance; carried on hotly; raging. A war the most powerful of the native tribes was flagrant. Palfrey. 3. Flaming into notice; notorious; enormous; heinous; glaringly wicked. Syn. -- Atrocious; flagitious; glaring. See Atrocious.

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