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Ob*lit"er*ate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Obliterated; p. pr. & vb. n. Obliterating.] Etym: [L. obliteratus, p.p. of obliterare to obliterate; ob (see Ob-) + litera, littera, letter. See Letter.] 1. To erase or blot out; to efface; to render undecipherable, as a writing. 2. To wear out; to remove or destroy utterly by any means; to render imperceptible; as. to obliterate ideas; to obliterate the monuments of antiquity. The harsh and bitter feelings of this or that experience are slowly obliterated. W. Black. Ob*lit"er*ate, a. (Zoöl.) Defn: Scarcely distinct; -- applied to the markings of insects.

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