Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. களியாட்டயர், இன்பத்தில் மூழ்க்கிளி, கவலையற்று வாழ், நீடின்பம் நுகர்.



Lux*u"ri*ate, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Luxuriated; p. pr. & vb. n. Luxuriating.] Etym: [L. luxuriatus, p. p. of luxuriari, -are, to luxuriate. See Luxury.] 1. To grow exuberantly; to grow to superfluous abundance. " Corn luxuriates in a better mold." Burton. 2. To feed or live luxuriously; as, the herds luxuriate in the pastures. 3. To indulge with unrestrained delight and freedom; as, to luxuriate in description.

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