Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. ஆதாயம் அளிக்கின்ற, மிகுவருவாய் உடைய, ஊதிய மிகுதியுள்ள.



Lu"cra*tive, a. Etym: [L. lucrativus, fr. lucrari to gain, fr. lucrum gain: cf. F. lucratif. See Lucre.] 1. Yielding lucre; gainful; profitable; making increase of money or goods; as, a lucrative business or office. The trade of merchandise being the most lucrative, may bear usury at a good rate. Bacon. 2. Greedy of gain [Obs.] Such diligence as the most part of our lucrative lawyers do use, in deferring and prolonging of matters and actions from term to term. Latimer.

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