Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. பயனுள்ள, நலம் பயக்கிற, (சட்) சொத்தின் நுகர்வாட்சி உரிமையுள்ள, சொத்தின் நுகர்வாட்சிக்குரிய.



Ben`e*fi"cial, a. Etym: [Cf. F. bénéficial, LL. beneficialis.] 1. Conferring benefits; useful; profito. The war which would have been most beneficial to us. Swift. 2. (Law) Defn: Receiving, or entitled to have or receive, advantage, use, or benefit; as, the beneficial owner of an estate. Kent. 3. King. [Obs.] "A beneficial foe." B. Jonson. Syn. -- See Advantage.

beneficial - Similar Words