Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. அழுகையுடன் கூடிய அயர்லாந்து நாட்டு இழவுப் பாடல், (வினை.) அழுதரற்றிக் கொண்டே இழவுப்பாடல் பாடு, ஒப்பாரி வை.-2 a. கூரிய, ஆர்வமிக்க, கருவிவகையில் கூர்முனையுள்ள, ஔதவகையில் ஊடுருவுகிற, ஒலி வகையில் காதைத் துளைக்கிற, உரத்த, குளிர்வகையில் உறைப்பான, நோவு வகையில் கடுமையான, கூருணர்ச்சியுடைய, நூண்ணுணர்வுடைய, முனைத்த சுவையுடைய, கூரறிவுடைய.



Keen, a. [Compar. Keener; superl. Keenest.] Etym: [OE. kene sharp, bold, AS.c bold; akin to D. koen, OHG. kuoni, G. kühn, OSw. kyn, kön, Icel. kænn, for koenn wise; perh. akin to E. ken, can to be able. 1. Sharp; having a fine edge or point; as, a keen razor, or a razor with a keen edge. A bow he bare and arwes [arrows] bright and kene. Chaucer. That my keen knife see not the wound it makes. Shak. 2. Acute of mind; sharp; penetrating; having or expressing mental acuteness; as, a man of keen understanding; a keen look; keen features. To make our wits more keen. Shak. Before the keen inquiry of her thought. Cowper. 3. Bitter; piercing; acrimonious; cutting; stinging; severe; as, keen satire or sarcasm. Good father cardinal, cry thou amen To my keen curses. Shak. 4. Piercing; penetrating; cutting; sharp; -- applied to cold, wind, etc, ; as, a keen wind; the cold is very keen. Breasts the keen air, and carols as he goes. Goldsmith. 5. Eager; vehement; fierce; as, a keen appetite. "Of full kene will." Piers Plowman. So keen and greedy to confound a man. Shak. Note: Keen is often used in the composition of words, most of which are of obvious signification; as, keen-edged, keen-eyed, keen- sighted, keen-witted, etc. Syn. -- Prompt; eager; ardent; sharp; acute; cutting; penetrating; biting; severe; sarcastic; satirical; piercing; shrewd. Keen, v. t. Defn: To sharpen; to make cold. [R.] Cold winter keens the brightening flood. Thomson. Keen, n. Etym: [Ir. caoine.] Defn: A prolonged wail for a deceased person. Cf. Coranach. [Ireland] Froude. Keen, v. i. Defn: To wail as a keener does. [Ireland] Keen, a. [Compar. Keener; superl. Keenest.] Etym: [OE. kene sharp, bold, AS.c bold; akin to D. koen, OHG. kuoni, G. kühn, OSw. kyn, kön, Icel. kænn, for koenn wise; perh. akin to E. ken, can to be able. 1. Sharp; having a fine edge or point; as, a keen razor, or a razor with a keen edge. A bow he bare and arwes [arrows] bright and kene. Chaucer. That my keen knife see not the wound it makes. Shak. 2. Acute of mind; sharp; penetrating; having or expressing mental acuteness; as, a man of keen understanding; a keen look; keen features. To make our wits more keen. Shak. Before the keen inquiry of her thought. Cowper. 3. Bitter; piercing; acrimonious; cutting; stinging; severe; as, keen satire or sarcasm. Good father cardinal, cry thou amen To my keen curses. Shak. 4. Piercing; penetrating; cutting; sharp; -- applied to cold, wind, etc, ; as, a keen wind; the cold is very keen. Breasts the keen air, and carols as he goes. Goldsmith. 5. Eager; vehement; fierce; as, a keen appetite. "Of full kene will." Piers Plowman. So keen and greedy to confound a man. Shak. Note: Keen is often used in the composition of words, most of which are of obvious signification; as, keen-edged, keen-eyed, keen- sighted, keen-witted, etc. Syn. -- Prompt; eager; ardent; sharp; acute; cutting; penetrating; biting; severe; sarcastic; satirical; piercing; shrewd. Keen, v. t. Defn: To sharpen; to make cold. [R.] Cold winter keens the brightening flood. Thomson. Keen, n. Etym: [Ir. caoine.] Defn: A prolonged wail for a deceased person. Cf. Coranach. [Ireland] Froude. Keen, v. i. Defn: To wail as a keener does. [Ireland]

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