Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. நெடிக்கருப்பு, நேரடிமோதல், (வினை.) நெருக்கித் தள்ளு, முட்டி மோது, பிடித்துப்பஜீக்கப் பூசலிடு, நெருக்கு, முழங்கையினால் இடித்துத்தள்ளு.



Jos"tle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Jostled; p. pr. & vb. n. Jostling.] Etym: [A dim. of joust, just, v. See Joust, and cf. Justle.] [Written also justle.] Defn: To run against and shake; to push out of the way; to elbow; to hustle; to disturb by crowding; to crowd against. "Bullies jostled him." Macaulay. Systems of movement, physical, intellectual, and moral, which are perpetually jostling each other. I. Taylor. Jos"tle, v. i. Defn: To push; to crowd; to hustle. None jostle with him for the wall. Lamb. Jos"tle, n. Defn: A conflict by collisions; a crowding or bumping together; interference. The jostle of South African nationalities and civilization. The Nation.

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