Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. காற்று-ஆவி முதலியவற்றைப் பரப்படையே செலுத்து, மூக்கினுள் காற்றுப்பட ஊது.



In`suf*fi"cient, a. Etym: [L. insufficiens, -entis. See In- not, and Sufficient.] 1. Not sufficient; not enough; inadequate to any need, use, or purpose; as, the provisions are insufficient in quantity, and defective in quality. "Insufficient for His praise." Cowper. 2. Wanting in strength, power, ability, capacity, or skill; incompetent; incapable; unfit; as, a person insufficient to discharge the duties of an office. Syn. -- Inadequate; scanty; incommensurate; unequal; unfit; incompetent; incapable; inefficient.

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