Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. சந்தடியின்மை, ஓசை நீங்கிய அமைதி, நீர்ப்பாய்ச்சல், நீர்ப்பாய்ச்சலின் இரைச்சல், மேலரிப்பு, அடிநிலப்பாறை தெரியுமளவு மேற்பரப்பிலுள்ள மண்ணை நீர் அலசி விடல், (பெ.) சந்தடியற்ற, அமைதியான, (வி.) சந்தடியடக்கு, அமைதிப்படுத்து, பேசாதிரு, ஓசையடங்கியிரு.


#noun taciturnity, stillness, calm, peace, hush, muteness, secrecy,oblivion #verb still, stifle, hush, allay, quiet, calm, [see abridge]


#noun garrulity, loquacity, talkativeness, chatter, noise, brawl,clamor, clatter, din, babel, tumult, agitation, restlessness, storm,unrest, roar, bruit, reverberation, resonance, commotion, cackling,proclamation, publicity, fame, rumor, remembrance, repute,celebrity #verb

Hush, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hushed; p. pr. & vb. n. Hushing.] Etym: [OE. huschen, hussen, prob. of imitative origin; cf. LG. hussen to lull to sleep, G. husch quick, make haste, be silent.] 1. To still; to silence; to calm; to make quiet; to repress the noise or clamor of. My tongue shall hush again this storm of war. Shak. 2. To appease; to allay; to calm; to soothe. With thou, then, Hush my cares Otway. And hush'd my deepest grief of all. Tennyson. To hush up, to procure silence concerning; to suppress; to keep secret. "This matter is hushed up." Pope. Hush, v. i. Defn: To become or to keep still or quiet; to become silent; -- esp. used in the imperative, as an exclamation; be still; be silent or quiet; make no noise. Hush, idle words, and thoughts of ill. Keble. But all these strangers' presence every one did hush. Spenser. Hush, n. Defn: Stillness; silence; quiet. [R.] "It is the hush of night." Byron. Hush money, money paid to secure silence, or to prevent the disclosure of facts. Swift. Hush, a. Defn: Silent; quiet. "Hush as death." Shak.

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