Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பளபளப்பு, மினுமினுப்பு, சுடரொளி வீச்சு, (வினை) பளபளப்பாக மின்னு, சுடரொளி வீசு, மின்னி மினுமினுப்பாகப் பகட்டு.



Glit"ter, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Glittered; p. pr. & vb. n. Glittering.] Etym: [OE. gliteren; akin to Sw. glittra, Icel. glitra, glita, AS. glitenian, OS. glitan, OHG. glizzan, G. gleissen, Goth. glitmunjan, and also to E. glint, glisten, and prob. glance, gleam.] 1. To sparkle with light; to shine with a brilliant and broken light or showy luster; to gleam; as, a glittering sword. The field yet glitters with the pomp of war. Dryden. 2. To be showy, specious, or striking, and hence attractive; as, the glittering scenes of a court. Syn. -- To gleam; to glisten; to shine; to sparkle; to glare. See Gleam, Flash. Glit"ter, n. Defn: A bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy; as, the glitter of arms; the glitter of royal equipage. Milton.

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