Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. மினனு, மின்னல் போல் ஔதவிடு, வெடி, இடி, ஓசையுடன் வெடி, உரத்துக்கண்டி, கடுமையாகக் கண்டித்து எழுது, கண்டன ஆணை பிறப்பி.



Ful"mi*nate, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Fulminated; p. pr. & vb. n. Fulminating.] Etym: [L. fulminatus, p. p. of fulminare to lighten, strike with lightning, fr. fulmen thunderbolt, fr. fulgere to shine. See Fulgent, and cf. Fulmine.] 1. To thunder; hence, to make a loud, sudden noise; to detonate; to explode with a violent report. 2. To issue or send forth decrees or censures with the assumption of supreme authority; to thunder forth menaces. Ful"mi*nate, v. t. 1. To cause to explode. Sprat. 2. To utter or send out with denunciations or censures; -- said especially of menaces or censures uttered by ecclesiastical authority. They fulminated the most hostile of all decrees. De Quincey. Ful"mi*nate, n. Etym: [Cf. P. fulminate. See Fulminate, v. i.] (Chem.) (a) A salt of fulminic acid. See under Fulminic. (b) A fulminating powder. Fulminate of gold, an explosive compound of gold; -- called also fulminating gold, and aurum fulminans.

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