Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. இடியோசை, இடியேறு, பேரொளி, (வினை) இடி, இடியொலி முழக்கு, பெருமுழக்கஞ் செய், உரக்க அடித்துச் சூளுரை.

Thun"der, n. Etym: [OE. , , , AS. ; akin to to stretch, to thunder, D. donder thunder, G. donner, OHG. donar, Icel. Thor, L. tonare to thunder, tonitrus thunder, Gr. tan to stretch. *52. See Thin, and cf. Astonish, Detonate, Intone, Thursday, Tone.] 1. The sound which follows a flash of lightning; the report of a discharge of atmospheric electricity. 2. The discharge of electricity; a thunderbolt. [Obs.] The revenging gods 'Gainst parricides did all their thunders bend. Shak. 3. Any loud noise; as, the thunder of cannon. 4. An alarming or statrling threat or denunciation. The thunders of the Vatican could no longer strike into the heart of princes. Prescott. Thunder pumper. (Zoöl.) (a) The croaker (Haploidontus grunniens). (b) The American bittern or stake-driver. -- Thunder rod, a lightning rod. [R.] -- Thunder snake. (Zoöl.) (a) The chicken, or milk, snake. (b) A small reddish ground snake (Carphophis, or Celuta, amoena) native to the Eastern United States; -- called also worm snake. -- Thunder tube, a fulgurite. See Fulgurite. Thun"der, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Thundered; p. pr. & vb. n. Thundering.] Etym: [AS. . See Thunder, n.] 1. To produce thunder; to sound, rattle, or roar, as a discharge of atmospheric electricity; -- often used impersonally; as, it thundered continuously. Canst thou thunder with a voice like him Job xl. 9. 2. Fig.: To make a loud noise; esp. a heavy sound, of some continuance. His dreadful voice no more Would thunder in my ears. Milton. 3. To utter violent denunciation. Thun"der, v. t. Defn: To emit with noise and terror; to utter vehemently; to publish, as a threat or denunciation. Oracles severe Were daily thundered in our general's ear. Dryden. An archdeacon, as being a prelate, may thunder out an ecclesiastical censure. Ayliffe.

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