Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. கடகட ஒலி, உரத்த பேச்சு, (வி.) சடசடவென்று ஒலி, உரத்த ஒலியெழுப்பு, ஓயாது பேசு, பிதற்று.

Clat"ter, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Clattered; p. pr. & vb. n. Clattering.] Etym: [AS. cla a rattle, akin to D. klateren to rattle. Cf. Clack.] 1. To make a rattling sound by striking hard bodies together; to make a succession of abrupt, rattling sounds. Clattering loud with clamk. Longfellow. 2. To talk fast and noisily; to rattle with the tongue. I see thou dost but clatter. Spenser. Clat"ter, v. t. Defn: To make a rattling noise with. You clatter still your brazen kettle. Swift. Clat"ter, n. 1. A rattling noise, esp. that made by the collision of hard bodies; also, any loud, abrupt sound; a repetition of abrupt sounds. The goose let fall a golden egg With cackle and with clatter. Tennyson. 2. Commotion; disturbance. "Those mighty feats which made such a clatter in story." Barrow. 3. Rapid, noisy talk; babble; chatter. "Hold still thy clatter." Towneley Myst. (15 th Cent. ). Throw by your clatter And handle the matter. B. Jonson

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