Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. வரவழை, நீதிமன்றத்தில் வந்து தோன்றுமாறு அழை, மேற்கோள் காட்டு, பெயர் குறிப்பேடு, சான்றாகக் காட்டு, எடுத்துக்காட்டாகக் கூறு.



Cite, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cited; p. pr. & vb. n. Citing] Etym: [F. citer, fr. L. citare, intens. of cire, ciere, to put in motion, to excite; akin to Gr. 1. To call upon officially or authoritatively to appear, as before a court; to summon. The cited dead, Of all past ages, to the general doom Shall hasten. Milton. Cited by finger of God. De Quincey. 2. To urge; to enjoin. [R.] Shak. 3. To quote; to repeat, as a passage from a book, or the words of another. The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. Shak. 4. To refer to or specify, as for support, proof, illustration, or confirmation. The imperfections which you have cited. Shak. 5. To bespeak; to indicate. [Obs.] Aged honor cites a virtuous youth. Shak. 6. (Law) Defn: To notify of a proceeding in court. Abbot Syn. -- To quote; mention, name; refer to; adduce; select; call; summon. See Quote.

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