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n. நுண்ணாய்வு, தேர்தலாதரவு நாட்டம், ஆதரவுக் கோரிக்கை, (வி.) வாக்குரிமை ஆதரவு நாடு, ஆதரவு கோரிச் செல், வாணிகத் தொடர்பு வேண்டு, வாடிக்கை திரட்டு, பங்குகள் பெறும்படி தூண்டு, ஆதரவாளர் உளப்பாங்கு ஆராய், சுண்டிப்பார், குலுக்கிப்பார்.



Can"vass, v. t. [imp. & p. p. canvassed; p. pr. & vb. n. Canvassing.] Etym: [OF. Canabasser to examine curiously, to search or sift out; properly, to sift through canvas. See Canvas, n.] 1. To sift; to strain; to examine thoroughly; to scrutinize; as, to canvass the votes cast at an election; to canvass a district with reference to its probable vote. I have made careful search on all hands, and canvassed the matter with all possible diligence. Woodward. 2. To examine by discussion; to debate. An opinion that we are likely soon to canvass. Sir W. Hamilton. 3. To go trough, with personal solicitation or public addresses; as, to canvass a district for votes; to canvass a city for subscriptions. Can"vass, v. i. Defn: To search thoroughly; to engage in solicitation by traversing a district; as, to canvass for subscriptions or for votes; to canvass for a book, a publisher, or in behalf of a charity; -- commonly followed by for. Can"vass, n. 1. Close inspection; careful review for verification; as, a canvass of votes. Bacon. 2. Examination in the way of discussion or debate. 3. Search; exploration; solicitation; systematic effort to obtain votes, subscribers, etc. No previous canvass was made for me. Burke.

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