Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-2 v. எரித்த, எரிந்து மிஞ்சிய, வாடி வதங்கிய, வெந்த, கருகிய, சுட்ட, வாட்டிக் கடும்பசையற்ற, பதமாக்கப்பட்ட, எஃகில் பங்றேற்காது கடுபதமிஞ்சிய.

Burnt, p. p. & a. Defn: Consumed with, or as with, fire; scorched or dried, as with fire or heat; baked or hardened in the fire or the sun. Burnt ear, a black, powdery fungus which destroys grain. See Smut. -- Burnt offering, something offered and burnt on an altar, as an atonement for sin; a sacrifice. The offerings of the Jews were a clean animal, as an ox, a calf, a goat, or a sheep; or some vegetable substance, as bread, or ears of wheat or barley. Called also burnt sacrifice. [2 Sam. xxiv. 22.]

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