Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. மனப்பான்மை, உருவமைதி, சாயல், பழக்கநடக்கை.



At"ti*tude, n. Etym: [It. attitudine, LL. aptitudo, fr. L. aptus suited, fitted: cf. F. attitude. Cf. Aptitude.] 1. (Paint. & Sculp.) Defn: The posture, action, or disposition of a figure or a statue. 2. The posture or position of a person or an animal, or the manner in which the parts of his body are disposed; position assumed or studied to serve a purpose; as, a threatening attitude; an attitude of entreaty. 3. Fig.: Position as indicating action, feeling, or mood; as, in times of trouble let a nation preserve a firm attitude; one's mental attitude in respect to religion. The attitude of the country was rapidly changing. J. R. Green. To strike an attitude, to take an attitude for mere effect. Syn. -- Attitude, Posture. Both of these words describe the visible disposition of the limbs. Posture relates to their position merely; attitude refers to their fitness for some specific object. The object of an attitude is to set forth exhibit some internal feeling; as, attitude of wonder, of admiration, of grief, etc. It is, therefore, essentially and designedly expressive. Its object is the same with that of gesture; viz., to hold forth and represent. Posture has no such design. If we speak of posture in prayer, or the posture of devotion, it is only the natural disposition of the limbs, without any intention to show forth or exhibit. 'T is business of a painter in his choice of attitudes (posituræ) to foresee the effect and harmony of the lights and shadows. Dryden. Never to keep the body in the same posture half an hour at a time. Bacon.

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