Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. கட்டுப்பட்ட, உட்பட்ட, பொறுப்பாளராயுள்ள, இணங்கத்தக்க, வழிக்குக் கொண்டுவரக்கூடிய, எளிதில் ஆளாக்கத்தக்க.



A*me"na*ble, a. Etym: [F. amener to lead; ad) = mener to lead, fr. L. minare to drive animals (properly by threatening cries), in LL. to lead; L. minari, to threaten, minae threats. See Menace.] 1. (Old Law) Defn: Easy to be led; governable, as a woman by her husband. [Obs.] Jacob. 2. Liable to be brought to account or punishment; answerable; responsible; accountable; as, amenable to law. Nor is man too diminutive . . . to be amenable to the divine government. I. Taylor. 3. Liable to punishment, a charge, a claim, etc. 4. Willing to yield or submit; responsive; tractable. Sterling . . . always was amenable enough to counsel. Carlyle.

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