Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. அறிவி, தெரிவி, விளம்பரப்படுத்து முன்னறிவி, விளம்பரப்டுத்திக்கொள்.



Ad`ver*tise", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Advertised; p. pr. & vb. n. Advertising.] Etym: [F. avertir, formerly also spelt advertir, to warn, give notice to, L. advertere to turn to. The ending was probably influenced by the noun advertisement. See Advert.] Defn: To give notice to; to inform or apprise; to notify; to make known; hence, to warn; -- often followed by of before the subject of information; as, to advertise a man of his loss. [Archaic] I will advertise thee what this people shall do. Num. xxiv. 14. 4. To give public notice of; to announce publicly, esp. by a printed notice; as, to advertise goods for sale, a lost article, the sailing day of a vessel, a political meeting. Syn. -- To apprise; inform; make known; notify; announce; proclaim; promulgate; publish.

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