Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. தப்புவழி காட்டு,. தவாறன தூண்டுதலிளி., நௌத தவறுவி, தவறான எண்ணம் தோற்றுவி.


#verb conduct, guide, precede, induce, spend, pass, commence,inaugurate, convoy, persuade, direct, influence #noun priority, pre-eminence, initiative, guidance, control


#verb misconduct, mislead, follow, dissuade, abandon, leave,misguide #noun subordination, inferiority, submission

Mis*lead", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Misled; p. pr. & vb. n. Misleading.] Etym: [AS. misl. See Mis-, and Lead to conduct.] Defn: To lead into a wrong way or path; to lead astray; to guide into error; to cause to mistake; to deceive. Trust not servants who mislead or misinform you. Bacon. To give due light To the mislead and lonely traveler. Milton. Syn. -- To delude; deceive. See Deceive.

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