Tamil Dictionary 🔍



, ''inf.'' To run out--as the sight on an object of desire, to look at with desire, cast wistful or lustful glances, விருப்பமாகப்பார்க்க. 2. To watch, look after, inspect, superintend, பார்வை யிட. 3. To examine cursorily--as a book, writing, &c., மேலெழுச்சியாய்ப்பார்க்க. 4. To be kind, benignant, gracious, to treat kindly, be indulgent, தயவாயிருக்க. 5. To be partial, to have the mind biased toward one, to yield to feelings of com passion, தாட்சிணியஞ்செய்ய.--''Note.'' All the meanings have reference to sight as prompting to passion and action.

Miron Winslow

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