Tamil Dictionary 🔍



அரசங்கொம்பு .

தமிழ் - தமிழ் அகரமுதலி

விவாகமண்டபத்தில் நடப்படும் அரசங் கொம்பு. Pipal branch placed with those of other trees between posts, round which the bridegroom and bride pass in the marriage ceremony;

Tamil Lexicon

, ''s.'' A bough of this tree, which together with others from the கலியாணமுருக்கு, (or erythrina,) &c. is fixed between two of the interior posts of the marriage pandal, round which the parties pass, performing particular ceremonies.

Miron Winslow

n. அரசாணி1+.
Pipal branch placed with those of other trees between posts, round which the bridegroom and bride pass in the marriage ceremony;
விவாகமண்டபத்தில் நடப்படும் அரசங் கொம்பு.


அரசாணிக்கால் - ஒப்புமை - Similar