Tamil Dictionary 🔍



பட்டறிவு .

தமிழ் - தமிழ் அகரமுதலி

அனுபவஞானம். (வேதா.சூ.151.) Perception, apprehension, realisation;

Tamil Lexicon

s. attaining heavenly bliss; a boon; realisation.

J.P. Fabricius Dictionary

, ''s.'' A boon or blessing obtained from the Supreme Being con nected with or leading to final bliss, divine knowledge, favor, grace in refer ence to divine things. 2. Superhu man knowledge ascribed to or obtained from Siva. Wils. p. 34. ANUB'HOOTI. 3. Sentiment, சிந்தனை.

Miron Winslow

n. anu-bhūti.
Perception, apprehension, realisation;
அனுபவஞானம். (வேதா.சூ.151.)


அனுபூதி - ஒப்புமை - Similar