Tamil Dictionary 🔍



அபயநிருபம். (J.) 3. Passport; பிறர்கொடுமை செய்யாவகை நியமிக்கும் சாசனம். (J.) 2. Writ of authority, security against oppression and ill-treatment; எடுத்த உரிமைகளைத் திரும்ப அளித்தற்குரிய சாசனம். (J.) 1. Certificate from the king, formerly inscribed on metal, clearing a man from a charge of guilt and re-establishing his rights as a citizen;

Tamil Lexicon

, ''s. [prov.]'' A certificate from the king, formerly in scribed on metal, clearing a man from the charge of guilt and re-establishing his rights as a citizen; a writ of autho rity, a security against oppression or ill-treatment. 3. A passport or writ of protection in passing through a coun try, தத்துவபரிபாலனபத்திரம்.

Miron Winslow

n. அஞ்சு-+ஆ neg.+.
1. Certificate from the king, formerly inscribed on metal, clearing a man from a charge of guilt and re-establishing his rights as a citizen;
எடுத்த உரிமைகளைத் திரும்ப அளித்தற்குரிய சாசனம். (J.)

2. Writ of authority, security against oppression and ill-treatment;
பிறர்கொடுமை செய்யாவகை நியமிக்கும் சாசனம். (J.)

3. Passport;
அபயநிருபம். (J.)


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