Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. நௌதவு வளைவு, திருகுநௌதவு, (வினை.) நௌதத்து வளைத்துக்கொண்டு செல்,புழுப்போல் வளைந்து நௌத, நம்பத்தகாதவராயிரு, பிடிகொடாது தப்பு.

Wrig"gle, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wriggled; p. pr. & vb. n. Wriggling.] Etym: [Freq. of wrig, probably from OE. wrikken to move to and fro; cf. LG. wriggeln, D. wrikken, Sw. vricka, Dan. vrikke.] Defn: To move the body to and fro with short, writhing motions, like a worm; to squirm; to twist uneasily or quickly about. Both he and successors would often wriggle in their seats, as long as the cushion lasted. Swift. Wrig"gle, v. t. Defn: To move with short, quick contortions; to move by twisting and squirming; like a worm. Covetousness will wriggle itself out at a small hole. Fuller. Wriggling his body to recover His seat, and cast his right leg over. Hudibras. Wrig"gle, a. Defn: Wriggling; frisky; pliant; flexible. [Obs.] "Their wriggle tails." Spenser.

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