Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. அழுதல், (பெ.) அழுகிற.

Weep"ing, n. Defn: The act of one who weeps; lamentation with tears; shedding of tears. Weep"ing, a. 1. Grieving; lamenting; shedding tears. "Weeping eyes." I. Watts. 2. Discharging water, or other liquid, in drops or very slowly; surcharged with water. "Weeping grounds." Mortimer. 3. Having slender, pendent branches; -- said of trees; as, weeping willow; a weeping ash. 4. Pertaining to lamentation, or those who weep. Weeping cross, a cross erected on or by the highway, especially for the devotions of penitents; hence, to return by the weeping cross, to return from some undertaking in humiliation or penitence. -- Weeping rock, a porous rock from which water gradually issues. -- Weeping sinew, a ganglion. See Ganglion, n., 2. [Colloq.] -- Weeping spring, a spring that discharges water slowly. -- Weeping willow (Bot.), a species of willow (Salix Babylonica) whose branches grow very long and slender, and hang down almost perpendicularly.

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