Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. ஊதாரித்தனமான.


#noun observation, cognizance, heed, advice, news, consideration,visitation, mark, note #verb mark, note, observe, attend_to, mention, heed, regard,give_heed_to, [see regard]


#noun oversight, disregard, misinformation, mistidings, neglect,slight, connivance, ignorance, incognizance, heedlessness, amnesty,omission #verb

Waste"ful, c. 1. Full of waste; destructive to property; ruinous; as; wasteful practices or negligence; wasteful expenses. 2. Expending, or tending to expend, property, or that which is valuable, in a needless or useless manner; lavish; prodigal; as, a wasteful person; a wasteful disposition. 3. Waste; desolate; unoccupied; untilled. [Obs.] In wilderness and wasteful desert strayed. Spenser. Syn. -- Lavish; profuse; prodigal; extravagant. -- Waste"ful*ly, adv. -- Waste"ful*ness, n.

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