Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. வெளுப்பு, அலம்பீடு, நீர்மத் தோய்வு, நனைவு, நீர்தேய்ப்பு, நீர்நனைப்பு, நீர்மத்தோய்ப்பு, சலவைக்கு அனுப்பப்படுந் துணிகள்.

Wash"ing, n. 1. The act of one who washes; the act of cleansing with water; ablution. 2. The clothes washed, esp. at one time; a wash. Washing bear (Zoöl.), the raccoon. -- Washing bottle (Chem.), a bottle fitted with glass tubes passing through the cork, so that on blowing into one of the tubes a stream of water issuing from the other may be directed upon anything to be washed or rinsed, as a precipitate upon a filter, etc. -- Washing fluid, a liquid used as a cleanser, and consisting usually of alkaline salts resembling soaps in their action. -- Washing machine, a machine for washing; specifically, a machine for washing clothes. -- Washing soda. (Chem.) See Sodium carbonate, under Sodium. -- Washing stuff, any earthy deposit containing gold enough to pay for washing it; -- so called among gold miners.

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