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v. சேறு கட, நீரில் நடந்து செல்,பனிமீது செல், பொடி மணலில் நட, நடந்து ஆழமற்ற நீர்நிலை நட.

Wade, n. Defn: Woad. [Obs.] Mortimer. Wade, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Waded; p. pr. & vb. n. Wading.] Etym: [OE. waden to wade, to go, AS. wadan; akin to OFries. wada, D. waden, OHG. watan, Icel. va, Sw. vada, Dan. vade, L. vadere to go, walk, vadum a ford. Cf. Evade, Invade, Pervade, Waddle.] 1. To go; to move forward. [Obs.] When might is joined unto cruelty, Alas, too deep will the venom wade. Chaucer. Forbear, and wade no further in this speech. Old Play. 2. To walk in a substance that yields to the feet; to move, sinking at each step, as in water, mud, sand, etc. So eagerly the fiend . . . With head, hands, wings, or feet, pursues his way, And swims, or sinks, or wades, or creeps, or flies. Milton. 3. Hence, to move with difficulty or labor; to proceed as, to wade through a dull book. And wades through fumes, and gropes his way. Dryden. The king's admirable conduct has waded through all these difficulties. Davenant. Wade, v. t. Defn: To pass or cross by wading; as, he waded . Wade, n. Defn: The act of wading. [Colloq.]

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