Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. (செய்.) அகலிடம், (பெ.) பரந்தகன்ற, விரிவகற்சி வாய்ந்த, மாபேருருவமுடைய, மட்டிறந்த, மிகப்பெரிய.



Vast, a. [Compar. Vaster; superl. Vastest.] Etym: [L. vastus empty, waste, enormous, immense: cf. F. vaste. See Waste, and cf. Devastate.] 1. Waste; desert; desolate; lonely. [Obs.] The empty, vast, and wandering air. Shak. 2. Of great extent; very spacious or large; also, huge in bulk; immense; enormous; as, the vast ocean; vast mountains; the vast empire of Russia. Through the vast and boundless deep. Milton. 3. Very great in numbers, quantity, or amount; as, a vast army; a vast sum of money. 4. Very great in importance; as, a subject of vast concern. Syn. -- Enormous; huge; immense; mighty. Vast, n. Defn: A waste region; boundless space; immensity. "The watery vast." Pope. Michael bid sound The archangel trumpet. Through the vast of heaven It sounded. Milton.

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