Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. வியப்புக்குரிய, அதிசயமான, மிகப்பெரிய, இயற்கை கடந்த.

Pro*di"gious, a. Etym: [L. prodigiosus, fr. prodigium a prodigy; cf. F. prodigieux. See Prodigy.] 1. Of the nature of a prodigy; marvelous; wonderful; portentous. [Obs. or R.] Spenser. It is prodigious to have thunder in a clear sky. Sir T. Browne. 2. Extraordinary in bulk, extent, quantity, or degree; very great; vast; huge; immense; as, a prodigious mountain; a prodigious creature; a prodigious blunder. "Prodigious might." Milton. Syn. -- Huge; enormous; monstrous; portentous; marvelous; amazing; astonishing; extraordinary.

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