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v. (பழ., செய்.) தாழ்த்து, தலைதாழ்த்து, தொப்பியை எடு.

Vail, n. & v. t. Defn: Same as Veil. Vail, n. Etym: [Aphetic form of avail, n.] 1. Avails; profit; return; proceeds. [Obs.] My house is as were the cave where the young outlaw hoards the stolen vails of his occupation. Chapman. 2. An unexpected gain or acquisition; a casual advantage or benefit; a windfall. [Obs.] 3. Money given to servants by visitors; a gratuity; -- usually in the plural. [Written also vale.] Dryden. Vail, v. t. Etym: [Aphetic form of avale. See Avale, Vale.] [Written also vale, and veil.] 1. To let fail; to allow or cause to sink. [Obs.] Vail your regard Upon a wronged, I would fain have said, a maid! Shak. 2. To lower, or take off, in token of inferiority, reverence, submission, or the like. France must vail her lofty-plumed crest! Shak. Without vailing his bonnet or testifying any reverence for the alleged sanctity of the relic. Sir. W. Scott. Vail, v. i. Defn: To yield or recede; to give place; to show respect by yielding, uncovering, or the like. [Written also vale, and veil.] [Obs.] Thy convenience must vail to thy neighbor's necessity. South. Vail, n. Defn: Submission; decline; descent. [Obs.]

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