Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஓலம், ஒப்பாரி, புலம்பல், (வினை.) ஒலமிடு, ஒப்பாரி வை, புலம்பு.

Wail, v. t. Etym: [Cf. Icel. val choice, velja to choose, akin to Goth. waljan, G. wählen.] Defn: To choose; to select. [Obs.] "Wailed wine and meats." Henryson. Wail, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wailed; p. pr. & vb. n. Wailing.] Etym: [OE. wailen, weilen, probably fr. Icel. væla; cf. Icel. væ, vei, woe, and E. wayment, also OE. wai, wei, woe. Cf. Woe.] Defn: To lament; to bewail; to grieve over; as, to wail one's death. Shak. Wail, v. i. Defn: To express sorrow audibly; to make mournful outcry; to weep. Therefore I will wail and howl. Micah i. 8. Wail, n. Defn: Loud weeping; violent lamentation; wailing. "The wail of the forest." Longfellow.

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