Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. தனியொன்று, தனித்தன்மை வாய்ந்தது, ஒருதனி, ஈடிணைவற்ற பொருள், (பெ.) தன்னேரில்லாத.


U*nique", a. Etym: [F. unique; cf. It. unico; from L. unicus, from unus one. See One.] Defn: Being without a like or equal; unmatched; unequaled; unparalleled; single in kind or excellence; sole. -- U*nique"ly, adv. -- U*nique"ness, n. U*nique", n. Defn: A thing without a like; something unequaled or unparalleled. The phenix, the unique pf birds. De Quincey.

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