Tamil Dictionary 🔍


வேதனை, பிள்ளைப்பேற்று வலி, இடுப்புவலி, கடுமுயற்சி, பெருமுயற்சிர, (வினைஇடுப்புவரி, அடை பெருமுயற்சி செய்.



Trav"ail (; 48), n. Etym: [F. travail; cf. Pr. trabalh, trebalh, toil, torment, torture; probably from LL. trepalium a place where criminals are tortured, instrument of torture. But the French word may be akin to L. trabs a beam, or have been influenced by a derivative from trabs (cf. Trave). Cf. Travel.] 1. Labor with pain; severe toil or exertion. As everything of price, so this doth require travail. Hooker. 2. Parturition; labor; as, an easy travail. Trav"ail, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Travailed; p. pr. & vb. n. Travailing.] Etym: [F. travailler, OF. traveillier, travaillier, to labor, toil, torment; cf. Pr. trebalhar to torment, agitate. See Travail, n.] 1. To labor with pain; to toil. [Archaic] "Slothful persons which will not travail for their livings." Latimer. 2. To suffer the pangs of childbirth; to be in labor. Trav"ail, v. t Defn: To harass; to tire. [Obs.] As if all these troubles had not been sufficient to travail the realm, a great division fell among the nobility. Hayward.

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