Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. இல் பிறிதாக்கு, செல் வரிசைமறை மாற்று (கண) சிறைமாற்று, சமன்பாட்டில் மறு புறத்துக்கு மாற்று, (இசை)சுரமாற்றி எழுது, சுரமாற்றி வாசி, வரைநிலையல்லாப் பிறிடிது இசைப்பு இசைப்பி.



Trans*pose", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Transposed; p. pr. & vb. n. Transposing.] Etym: [F. transposer; pref. trans- (L. trans across) + poser to put. See Pose.] 1. To change the place or order of; to substitute one for the other of; to exchange, in respect of position; as, to transpose letters, words, or propositions. 2. To change; to transform; to invert. [R.] Things base and vile, holding no quantity, Love can transpose to form and dignity. Shak. 3. (Alg.) Defn: To bring, as any term of an equation, from one side over to the other, without destroying the equation; thus, if a + b = c, and we make a = c - b, then b is said to be transposed. 4. (Gram.) Defn: To change the natural order of, as words. 5. (Mus.) Defn: To change the key of.

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