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Tramp, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Tramped; p. pr. & vb. n. Tramping.] Etym: [OE. trampen; akin to LG. trampen, G. trampeln, LG. & D. trappen, Dan. trampe, Sw. & Icel. trampa, Goth. anatrimpan to press upon; also to D. trap a step, G. treppe steps, stairs. Cf. Trap a kind of rock, Trape, Trip, v. i., Tread.] 1. To tread upon forcibly and repeatedly; to trample. 2. To travel or wander through; as, to tramp the country. [Colloq.] 3. To cleanse, as clothes, by treading upon them in water. [Scot.] Jamieson. Tramp, v. i. Defn: To travel; to wander; to stroll. Tramp, n. 1. A foot journey or excursion; as, to go on a tramp; a long tramp. Blackie. 2. A foot traveler; a tramper; often used in a bad sense for a vagrant or wandering vagabond. Halliwell. 3. The sound of the foot, or of feet, on the earth, as in marching. Sir W. Scott. 4. A tool for trimming hedges. 5. A plate of iron worn to protect the sole of the foot, or the shoe, when digging with a spade.

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