Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. மிடறு, தொண்டை, உணவுக்குழாய், குரல்வளை, மூச்சுக்குழல், குரல், இடுக்கமான பகுதி, ஆற்றின் பாறையிடைப்பகுதி, சிற்பப்பகுதியின் அடிப்பள்ளம், (கப்) பாய்கல இயந்திரத்தின் இடுங்கிய பகுதி, (வினை) செலுத்து, பள்ளஞ்செய், புகுத்தித் திணி.

Throat, n. Etym: [OE. throte, AS. , ; akin to OHG. drozza, G. drossel; cf. OFries. & D. stort. Cf. Throttle.] 1. (Anat.) (a) The part of the neck in front of, or ventral to, the vertebral column. (b) Hence, the passage through it to the stomach and lungs; the pharynx; -- sometimes restricted to the fauces. I can vent clamor from my throat. Shak. 2. A contracted portion of a vessel, or of a passage way; as, the throat of a pitcher or vase. 3. (Arch.) Defn: The part of a chimney between the gathering, or portion of the funnel which contracts in ascending, and the flue. Gwilt. 4. (Naut.) (a) The upper fore corner of a boom-and-gaff sail, or of a staysail. (b) That end of a gaff which is next the mast. (c) The angle where the arm of an anchor is joined to the shank. Totten. 5. (Shipbuilding) Defn: The inside of a timber knee. 6. (Bot.) Defn: The orifice of a tubular organ; the outer end of the tube of a monopetalous corolla; the faux, or fauces. Throat brails (Naut.), brails attached to the gaff close to the mast. -- Throat halyards (Naut.), halyards that raise the throat of the gaff. -- Throat pipe (Anat.), the windpipe, or trachea. -- To give one the lie in his throat, to accuse one pointedly of lying abominably. -- To lie in one's throat, to lie flatly or abominably. Throat, v. t. 1. To utter in the throat; to mutter; as, to throat threats. [Obs.] Chapman. 2. To mow, as beans, in a direction against their bending. [Prov. Eng.]

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